How Much Does an Altar Family Bible Cost


  • Nether €10.00 (130)
  • €10.00 - €xx.00 (160)
  • €30.00 - €forty.00 (36)
  • €twoscore.00 - €50.00 (fifteen)
  • Over €fifty.00 (xxx)
  • Blackness, Imitation Leather (i)
  • Board Book (ane)
  • Bonded Leather (x)
  • CD (1)
  • Fabric Cover (1)
  • DVD (1)
  • Flexi-Cover (1)
  • Flexibound (seven)
  • Hardback (10)
  • Hardcover (100)
  • Hardcover, Large Impress (one)
  • Hardcover Binder (1)
  • Hardcover with Jacket (1)
  • Imitation Leather (19)
  • Imitiation Leather (i)
  • Leather (21)
  • Leatherbound (5)
  • Leather Spring (eight)
  • Leatherette (one)
  • Padded (1)
  • Pamphlet (3)
  • Papeback (one)
  • Paperback (167)
  • Paperbook (1)
  • Simulated Leather Encompass (1)
  • Softcover (2)
  • Soft Encompass (two)
  • Spiral Spring (one)
  • Ultrasoft (one)
  • Vinyl (ii)
  • Vinyl Bound (1)
  • 0-5 years quondam (2)
  • 2-four years former (1)
  • 5-7 years old (one)
  • seven-9 years sometime (2)
  • Anchor Bible (x)
  • Anglicized NRSV (i)
  • Apocrypha/Deuterocanonical (1)
  • Aporcrypha (1)
  • Apostles (3)
  • Baby Bible (ii)
  • Baptism Bible (2)
  • Bible (6)
  • Bible Guide (1)
  • Bible History (1)
  • Bible Periodical (1)
  • Bible Mass (1)
  • Bibles (one)
  • Bible Stories (17)
  • Bible Report (48)
  • Bible Study Guide (1)
  • Bible Tabs (1)
  • Black Leather (i)
  • Volume of the Gospels - New Edition (1)
  • Burgundy (2)
  • Catholic (1)
  • Children's Activity Volume (ane)
  • Children's Bible (12)
  • Children'southward Bibles (3)
  • Children Bible (1)
  • Childrens Bible (1)
  • Childrens Bibles (1)
  • Christian Customs (2)
  • Christian Community Bible (10)
  • Communion (one)
  • Communion Bible (iv)
  • Compact Bible (1)
  • Creed (1)
  • Lexicon (two)
  • Douay-Rheims (2)
  • Douay Rheims (4)
  • Evangelisim (one)
  • Organized religion (i)
  • Family Bible (3)
  • Gift (2)
  • Souvenir Bible (1)
  • Practiced News Bible (11)
  • Gospel (1)
  • Gospel of John (1)
  • Gospels (3)
  • Holy Land (i)
  • Ignatius (ane)
  • Ignatius Press (1)
  • Irish Bible (1)
  • Jesus (five)
  • Jesus Christ (1)
  • John (1)
  • Male monarch James Version (2)
  • Large Print (four)
  • Luke (three)
  • Mark (half dozen)
  • Mary (1)
  • Mathew (1)
  • Matthew (3)
  • Mercy (two)
  • Mew Testament (1)
  • NAB (ix)
  • NAB Bible (1)
  • NABRE (1)
  • Navarre (ane)
  • Navy (1)
  • NCB (5)
  • New Catholic Reply (two)
  • New Catholic Bible (5)
  • New Customs Bible (ane)
  • New Jerusalem (3)
  • New Attestation (27)
  • NIV (four)
  • NLT (1)
  • NRSV (15)
  • NSRV (1)
  • Old and New Testament (i)
  • One-time Testament (10)
  • Paul (ii)
  • Pocket (one)
  • Pocket Edition (one)
  • Pope Francis (1)
  • Popular Edition (i)
  • Pronunciations (1)
  • Psalm (1)
  • Psalms (4)
  • Reader'due south Edition (2)
  • Red Leather (1)
  • RNJ (1)
  • RSV (v)
  • Standard Edition (ane)
  • St Joseph (1)
  • St Matthew (1)
  • Study (1)
  • Study Bible (i)
  • Teen (1)
  • Teen Bibles (1)
  • Wedding ceremony Bible (ane)
  • YouCat (5)
  • Black (1)
  • Blue (2)
  • Orange (1)
  • Pink (one)
  • Red (2)
  • White (two)
  • 2 inches 10 seven.6 inches x two inches (one)
  • 2.five x 16.5 x 24.1 cm (ane)
  • 3 x ten x 15 cm (1)
  • 3.1 x 0.vii x 6.6 inches (1)
  • 3.7 x 0.4 10 5.8 inches (one)
  • 3.viii x 0.v 10 five.five inches (i)
  • 3.8 10 0.8 x v.2 inches (1)
  • 4 x 0.4 x half-dozen.6 inches (1)
  • iv ten 0.8 10 5.ane inches (1)
  • iv.i ten 5.8 x 0.9 inches (i)
  • 4.2 x 0.viii x 6.8 inches (ane)
  • 4.three x ane.1 x 6.4 inches (one)
  • 4.half dozen 10 0.7 x six.7 inches (1)
  • 4.7 x 0.viii x 6.6 inches (1)
  • 4.8 x 0.5 x vii.2 inches (1)
  • iv.25 X 2.75 10 .78 (inches) (3)
  • v x 0.2 x 7 inches (1)
  • 5 10 0.ii x 8 inches (1)
  • 5 10 0.5 x 7 inches (1)
  • v x 0.8 x 6.6 inches (1)
  • 5 x 0.8 x eight inches (1)
  • 5.1 10 10 7.3 inches (1)
  • 5.ii 10 0.3 ten 8.3 inches (1)
  • 5.2 x 0.five x viii inches (1)
  • v.2 x 0.v x 8.2 inches (two)
  • 5.2 10 ane x nine.2 inches (one)
  • 5.ii x 1.three x 8 inches (1)
  • 5.v 10 0.four x 8.five inches (ii)
  • v.5 x 0.five 10 8.4 inches (one)
  • 5.v ten 0.5 x viii.5 inches (2)
  • 5.5 x 0.8 10 viii.two inches (2)
  • 5.5 ten 0.8 x 8.v inches (1)
  • five.5 x 1 x 8.2 inches (i)
  • v.five x ane.nine ten 8.9 inches (1)
  • v.6 ten 1.1 x eight.6 inches (one)
  • 5.6 x 1.six x 9 inches (1)
  • v.7 x 0.i x 8 inches (1)
  • 5.7 x 1.7 x eight.5 inches (1)
  • v.8 ten 0.eight x 8.5 inches (one)
  • 5.viii x 0.ix ten 8.5 inches (1)
  • 5.8 ten ane 10 8.5 inches (ane)
  • 5.eight 10 1 x 8.eight inches (1)
  • five.8 x 1.2 ten 8.5 inches (ii)
  • five.8 x i.4 x 9.6 inches (one)
  • v.8 x ane.6 x 8.5 inches (1)
  • 5.viii x ane.8 ten 8.2 inches (1)
  • 5.nine x 0.4 ten 8.9 inches (i)
  • v.9 x 1.2 ten seven.5 inches (1)
  • 5.nine ten 1.3 10 8.two inches (ane)
  • 5.nine x 1.vii x 8.five inches (1)
  • 5.9 x iii.eight x 0.two inches (1)
  • 5.l in (westward) ten 8.00 in (h) ten 0.00 in (d) (1)
  • five.50 in (west) x 8.00 in (h) x ane.02 in (d) (one)
  • 6 x 0.three 10 9 inches (1)
  • 6 x 0.5 x 8.8 inches (1)
  • 6 ten 0.v x 9 inches (1)
  • six x 0.7 x eight.viii inches (ane)
  • 6 x 1.2 10 8.9 inches (1)
  • 6 x 1.two x 9 inches (ane)
  • six 10 1.five x 8.8 inches (1)
  • vi 10 1.8 x eight.8 inches (1)
  • 6 10 1.8 ten 9 inches (1)
  • 6 x 2.iii x nine inches (i)
  • 6.1 x 0.iv ten 9 inches (i)
  • 6.1 x 0.6 ten 9 inches (1)
  • x 1.6 ten 8.5 inches (1)
  • 6.2 x 0.2 x 9.5 inches (one)
  • 6.two ten 0.ix 10 9 inches (1)
  • 6.ii x 1.2 x 9.2 inches (1)
  • 6.two x 1.4 x 9.2 inches (one)
  • vi.2 x ii 10 eight.viii inches (1)
  • half-dozen.ii ten 4.4 x 0.4 inches (1)
  • 6.four x i x 9.four (i)
  • 6.iv x 1 10 9.5 inches (1)
  • 6.iv 10 1.2 x nine.four inches (1)
  • 6.5 x 1 ten 9 inches (1)
  • 6.five x 1.five x 9.ii inches (i)
  • 6.5 x 1.5 10 9.8 inches (ane)
  • half dozen.6 x 1.5 x 9.viii inches (1)
  • six.8 x 1.v x nine.five inches (i)
  • half dozen.eight x 2.2 x 9.eight inches (1)
  • half dozen.l X 4.l 10 one.fifty (inches) (iii)
  • six.70 10 3.twenty (inches) (1)
  • half-dozen.88 Ten 3.38 (inches) (1)
  • vii ten 1 x ix.v inches (1)
  • seven x 2 x 9.7 inches (1)
  • 7.0 X five.0 X 1.5 (inches) (1)
  • seven.2 x 5.2 x inches (i)
  • 7.3 ten 0.2 x nine.nine inches (one)
  • vii.five X 6.25 (2)
  • 7.5 × 5 × 1 in (i)
  • 7.75 X five.25 Ten i.5 (inches) (1)
  • 8.00 X 7.l (inches) (1)
  • 8.i 10 5.v ten 0.six inches (ane)
  • viii.2 10 0.five x 10.nine inches (1)
  • viii.iii ten half-dozen.7 10 0.4 inches (one)
  • 8.4 ten 0.2 10 11.1 inches (1)
  • viii.four ten 5.4 10 0.two inches (1)
  • viii.5 x iii x 11.5 inches (one)
  • x 6 x 0.2 inches (ane)
  • viii.xx 10 7.90 X 1.50 (inches) (one)
  • 8.25 X 6.0 10 one.5 (inches) (one)
  • 8.25 10 half dozen.0 X 1.25 (inches) (1)
  • ix.1 x 1.6 x 6.6 inches (1)
  • ix.ane x seven.2 10 0.4 inches (1)
  • nine.ii x 0.8 x eleven.ii inches (one)
  • nine.6cm by 14.5cm (i)
  • nine.25 X 6.25 X ii.25 (inches) (one)
  • 10 x seven.iii x i.6 inches (2)
  • 10 x 14 cm (1)
  • 10.1 x 2.2 x vii.nine inches (1)
  • 10.5 x 3.four x 15.v cm (one)
  • 10.5cm past 14.8cm (1)
  • 10.viii x 0.6 x 17.8 cm (1)
  • eleven x iv.8 ten 14.3 cm (1)
  • 11 x 16 cm (1)
  • 11.0 Ten viii.v (inches) (1)
  • 11.two ten iv.6 x 15.i cm (1)
  • 11.two x 8.iv 10 0.6 inches (1)
  • 11.4 x 17 ten 0.6 cm (1)
  • xi.6 x 2.eight x xvi cm (i)
  • 11.8 x 2.viii 10 17.viii cm (1)
  • 11.8 x iii.5 10 15.nine cm (1)
  • 11.8 x 9.3 x two.8 inches (ane)
  • 11.9 x 17.eight x 0.4 cm (9)
  • 11.9 10 17.9 x 0.4 cm (i)
  • 12 x ix.ii ten two.5 inches (1)
  • 12 x xviii x 4 cm (3)
  • 12.1 ten 17.7 10 0.7 cm (i)
  • 12.two 10 3.3 x 17 cm (1)
  • x 4.5 x 17.9 cm (one)
  • 12.eight x 2 ten 17.4 cm (i)
  • 12.ix x 1.five x 19.8 cm (1)
  • 13 cms × 19 cms (ane)
  • 13.i 10 2 x xx.iii cm (i)
  • 13.2 x 2.v x 20.2 cm (1)
  • 13.3 x 1.iii 10 21 cm (one)
  • thirteen.3 10 2.7 x cm (1)
  • 13.3 ten four.1 x 21 cm (i)
  • xiii.5 ten 1 x 21.3 cm (1)
  • 13.6 x 1.4 x cm (ane)
  • xiii.6 x iii.4 10 twenty.v cm (1)
  • 13.7 ten 1.3 x 13.7 cm (1)
  • thirteen.7 ten 20.1 10 xix.8 cm (1)
  • 13.9 10 iii.i 10 19.half-dozen cm (1)
  • 13.9 10 x 19.4 cm (1)
  • 14 10 0.7 x 21.6 cm (ane)
  • 14 10 ane.i 10 20.v cm (one)
  • 14 ten 1.9 x 21 cm (1)
  • fourteen x 3.ii x 20.3 cm (1)
  • xiv.two x 10 x 1 cm (1)
  • 14.four 10 10 x 0.half-dozen cm (3)
  • fourteen.viii x 2.3 10 21 cm (i)
  • xv x 9.9 x 0.5 cm (1)
  • fifteen ten xv.v x 0.5 cm (ane)
  • 15 10 21.5 x 5 cm (2)
  • xv.2 x 0.half dozen x 22.9 cm (1)
  • 15.2 ten 1.3 x 22.ii cm (one)
  • 15.5 x 10.7 x 3.3 cm (1)
  • fifteen.6 x 3.five ten 10.9 cm (1)
  • 15.7 10 ten.7 x ane.iii cm (ane)
  • 15.8 x 2.5 x 19.nine cm (i)
  • 15.9 ten 1.five 10 23.3 cm (1)
  • 16 x four.viii ten 23.1 cm (ane)
  • 16.ii 10 three.iv x 11.4 cm (one)
  • 16.3 x 11.7 x 4.3 cm (one)
  • 16.4 x 10 ten 0.8 cm (i)
  • sixteen.8 x 4.1 x 24.4 cm (1)
  • 17 x 2.8 x 23.2 cm (one)
  • 17.8 x 0.6 x 22.9 cm (1)
  • 18.2 x ten ii.ii cm (1)
  • 18.four x 4.four x 26.7 cm (1)
  • 19.2 10 3.8 ten 12.9 cm (ane)
  • xix.2 x 3.9 10 13.two cm (1)
  • 19.3 x 3.5 x 13.2 cm (one)
  • 19.6 10 ten xiii cm (1)
  • 19.7 x ane.3 x 24.8 cm (1)
  • 20 x 2.nine 10 26.v cm (1)
  • 20 x 5.4 x 14.3 cm (1)
  • 20 x 12.6 x 1.4 cm (1)
  • 21 ten 1.ix x 21 cm (ane)
  • 21 ten xiii.5 x one.5 cm (one)
  • 21 x thirteen.viii x ii cm (1)
  • 21.half dozen x 0.8 x 27.nine cm (1)
  • x ane.3 ten 29.2 cm (2)
  • 21.8 x 14.2 x 0.8 cm (i)
  • 21.nine x 3.three x 23.2 cm (i)
  • 24.ane x 6 10 16.7 cm (1)
  • x xvi.8 ten 4.ix cm (2)
  • 100 x 150 10 115mm | 520g (1)
  • 101 x 146 x 40mm | 446g (1)
  • 104 x 156 10 14mm (1)
  • 104 x 156 x 29mm | 183g (i)
  • 112 x 165 ten 23mm (1)
  • 114 ten 155 x 23mm (1)
  • 118 x 172 x 34mm | 358.34g (one)
  • 120 x 180 mm (1)
  • 124 x 165 x 23mm | 204g (ane)
  • 126 x 198 x 20mm | 347g (ane)
  • 127 ten 187 ten 25.4mm | 453.59g (1)
  • 127 10 187 x 30mm | 484g (1)
  • 130 x 170 x five.08mm | 58.97g (one)
  • 134.62 ten 180.34 ten 35.56mm | 453.59g (1)
  • 135 10 216 x 15mm | 232g (1)
  • 136 x 196 10 40mm (1)
  • 137mm x 189mm (1)
  • 138 x 174 ten 22mm | 421.84g (ii)
  • 144 10 218 x 28mm (1)
  • 148 x 170 x 253mm | 128g (1)
  • 149.86 ten 226.06 x 10.16mm | 158.76g (1)
  • 152.four x 223.5 x x.2mm | 45.36g (1)
  • 152.iv x x 33.02mm | 725.74g (1)
  • 154.94 x 226.06 10 35.56mm (ane)
  • 154mm Width: 112mm Spine width: 36mm (ane)
  • 158 mm x 208 mm (1)
  • 158.75 x 231 x 50.8mm | 1,292.74g (one)
  • 160 ten 160 x 6mm | 59g (1)
  • 160 10 236 10 28mm (1)
  • 161 x 203 x 8mm | 195g (1)
  • 161.8 ten 243.ane x 23.1mm | 585.14g (1)
  • 162 x 240 x 42mm | 1,081g (1)
  • 162.8 x 241.half dozen ten 32.8mm | 684.94g (1)
  • 162.56 x 238.76 x 53.34mm | 952.54g (ane)
  • 162.56 ten 238.76 x 58.42mm | 725.74g (1)
  • 165.4 x 242.three ten 46.2mm | 975.23g (1)
  • 167 x 228 x 1 mm (1)
  • 167.64 ten 236.22 x 71.12mm | 1,723.64g (1)
  • 170 x 120 mm (1)
  • 175 ten 175 x 12 mm (one)
  • 216 x 138 mm (1)
  • 216x144mm (1)
  • 225 x 150 mm (i)
  • 229mm by 152mm (one)
  • 236 x 286 x 12mm | 539.77g (1)
  • 275 x 235 mm (1)
  • 278 x 183mm (ane)
  • inches (1)


442 products in this department, displaying products 1 to 48.

St Joseph New Catholic Bible Giant Type Brown Dura

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St Joseph New Catholic Bible Giant Type Dark-brown Dura


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RP - New Catholic Bible Large Imit Leather Black

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RP - New Catholic Bible Large Imit Leather Blackness


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St Joseph New Catholic Bible Giant Type Red Hardco

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St Joseph New Cosmic Bible Giant Type Scarlet Hardco


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Revised New Jerusalem Bible Readers Edition Hardba

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Revised New Jerusalem Bible Readers Edition Hardba


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Acts of the Apostles

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Acts of the Apostles

by Tom O'Reilly


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New Catholic Bible, Large Type, Brown, paperback

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New Cosmic Bible, Big Type, Brown, paperback


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Candle Bible for Kids

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Candle Bible for Kids

by Juliet David


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Bestseller YOUCAT for Kids

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YOUCAT for Kids

by YouCat


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Praying with Matthew

Quick View

Veritas Publications

Praying with Matthew

by Raymond Moloney


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The Four Gospels

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Veritas Publications

The 4 Gospels

by Maurice Hogan


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RUC ND - Jesus of Nazareth - Paperback

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Veritas Publications

RUC ND - Jesus of Nazareth - Paperback

by Pope Benedict XVI - Joseph Ratzinger


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The Gospels Boxset Matthew, Mark, Luke & John

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Veritas Publications

The Gospels Boxset Matthew, Marker, Luke & John

by Veritas Publications

€9.95 €five.00
Save: €4.95 (fifty%)

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The Gospel According to John

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Veritas Publications

The Gospel Co-ordinate to John

past Veritas Publications


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The Gospel According to Luke

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Veritas Publications

The Gospel According to Luke

by Veritas Publications


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The Gospel According to Mark

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Veritas Publications

The Gospel According to Marker

past Veritas Publications


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OP - Book of the Gospels, New Edition

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OP - Book of the Gospels, New Edition


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Jerome Biblical Commentary for the 21st Century

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Jerome Biblical Commentary for the 21st Century


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Navarre Bible: New Testament, large, hardback

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Navarre Bible: New Testament, large, hardback

by New Testament


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New Jerusalem Bible Standard Edition

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New Jerusalem Bible Standard Edition

by NJB


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Spiritual Warfare Bible, Premium Ultrasoft

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Spiritual Warfare Bible, Premium Ultrasoft

by Saint Bridegroom Press


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NAB Family Bible, Catholic Wedding edition, white,

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NAB Family Bible, Catholic Wedding edition, white,


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New Catholic Answer Bible, Burgundy leather, gilt

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New Catholic Answer Bible, Burgundy leather, gold


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Divine Mercy Catholic Bible, leather

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Divine Mercy Cosmic Bible, leather

past Rev. Chris Alar


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*OLD DO NOT USE** NAB Bible Burgundy Leather

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*OLD Do NOT USE** NAB Bible Burgundy Leather

by NAB


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Good News Bible, Large Print Edition

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Skillful News Bible, Large Print Edition

by Good News


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Revised New Jerusalem Bible study edition Hardback

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Revised New Jerusalem Bible written report edition Hardback

by Revd Henry Wansbrough OSB


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NRSV XL Catholic Bible, Imitation Leather, Navy

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NRSV Xl Catholic Bible, Simulated Leather, Navy



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NRSV XL Large Print Leather Bible for Everyon

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NRSV XL Large Print Leather Bible for Everyon



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Catholic Bible Dictionary

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Catholic Bible Lexicon

past Scott Hahn


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Ignatius Catholic Bible, Compact, Burgundy

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Ignatius Cosmic Bible, Meaty, Burgundy


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Catholic Youth Bible NRSV 4th edition Hardback

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Catholic Youth Bible NRSV fourth edition Hardback

by Saint Mary'southward Press


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New Jerusalem Bible Black Leather

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New Jerusalem Bible Black Leather

by NJB


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New Jerusalem Bible Red Leather

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New Jerusalem Bible Scarlet Leather

by NJB


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NRSV Catholic Gift Bible, White

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NRSV Catholic Gift Bible, White



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St Joseph NAB Personal Gift Bible Brown Duotone

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St Joseph NAB Personal Gift Bible Brown Duotone

past Catholic Book Publishing Corp


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The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version - Burgundy - Second Catholic Edition

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The Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version - Burgundy - Second Cosmic Edition

by Ignatius


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My Daily Catholic Bible, NAB, revised, Green

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My Daily Catholic Bible, NAB, revised, Dark-green

by NAB


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Christian Community Bible, Navy Leather, Zipped

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Christian Community Bible, Navy Leather, Zipped

past Redemptorist Publications


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Consuming Fire: A Catholic's Guide to the Old Test

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Consuming Burn: A Catholic'southward Guide to the Quondam Test

past Michael W. Duggan


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Jesus Our Priest

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Jesus Our Priest


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The Message, Ecumenical Edition

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The Message, Ecumenical Edition

by Eugene H. Peterson


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New Jerusalem Bible Pocket Leather White

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New Jerusalem Bible Pocket Leather White


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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, New Testament RSV

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Ignatius Catholic Study Bible, New Testament RSV

by Scott Hahn


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RUC ND - Douay Rheims New Testament & Psalms Black

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RUC ND - Douay Rheims New Attestation & Psalms Black

by Douay Rheims


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OP - Acts of the Apostles: A Commentary

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OP - Acts of the Apostles: A Commentary

by Michael Mullins


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Bible in a Year Companion, Volume 1

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Bible in a Year Companion, Volume ane

by Fr. Michael Schmitz


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Catholic Bible Chronicles

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Catholic Bible Chronicles

past Amy Wellborn and Michael Lavoy


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Illustrated Bible

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Illustrated Bible

past Lars Fredricksen


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